
Este Blog versa acerca de las cosas que me gustan, como pintar miniaturas, jugar rol, Magic y wargames. Además cada tanto hago entrevistas variopintas a gente que tiene algo interesante para decir.

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jueves, 28 de junio de 2012

Wayland + Beast of wars!

This has come in the last minutes, Wayland and Beast of war opens a kind of club, and it seams to me that this is going to be BIG.

Che, me llegó este mail (de wayland), parece ser que se fusionan con los chicos de Beast Of War para hacer un club o algo así, y pinta que va a ser grande grande.

This is the link:

This is the info that arrived:

Tabletop Nation is excited to announce that plans are now moving ahead to deliver the first phase in the exciting partnership created between Beasts of War and Wayland Games.

What this means is that the Tabletop Nation Venue and Gaming Centre will open it's doors in early September 2012, with a state of the art retail store, and gaming venue for between 70 and 100 players, depending on the gaming system. The venue is located in Essex, and within easy reach of London, the south and Europe.

Remember to like the Tabletop Nation Facebook page for all upcoming announcements.

We have created a pdf giving more detail for you to download, which can be found here

A visualisation of the Venue is available here

Sign Up for email alerts about events and activities here

Thank you for your continued support and we look forward to seeing you soon!

This is a big notice to the UK readers, and I guess for the rest of Europe readers, for us as Latinamerican, it is not going to change much, but I wish them the best.

Estas cosas a nosotros como latinos mucho no nos cambia la vida, pero me imagino que al resto de los muchachos ibéricos y seguro que a los lectores ingleses del blog.

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